Social Content

Create on-brand social content that converts

Our turnkey solution is the easiest way to source high-quality User-Generated Content (UGC). Lifestyle videos from ProductWind creators are proven to boost product page conversions and drive dramatic results when used as paid media via our Instagram and TikTok ad programs.

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Trusted by hundreds of the world’s top brands
Panasonic logo
Scotts logo
Poly logo
Frida logo
Post consumer brands logo
Iwi logo
Vita Coco logo

Source high-quality UGC that boosts your bottom line

Our creators are experts in powerful short-form videos that significantly improve sales. We collect extensive data about our influencers so we can determine which will be the best fit for your brand and drive real-world results every time.

Take the work out of super-effective paid media

UGC ads have a 400% higher click-through rate than traditional advertising1. With our Instagram boost and TikTok Spark Ads programs, we manage everything from sourcing creator Spark Codes to tracking KPIs with Amazon Attribution. Plus, running social ads is risk-free with our tech that finds which content will perform best as paid media.

1. Source: Forbes

Build a revenue-generating product listing

Product page UGC ensures click-throughs become customers, with 90% of buyers factoring it into their purchase decision2. ProductWind campaigns break the code of which UGC will drive the most conversions. Our influencers also help you create a high-performing listing by uploading content, speaking on Amazon Live and more.

2. Source: Retail Touch Points

ProductWind has single handedly made our product launch process scalable. We have been able to automate the entire process thanks to their platform. I love the extra value delivered such as the ability to reuse user-generated content in our product listings.
Charles M.
Chief Operating Officer

91% of brands run a second campaign with us.
We bet you will too.

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