Organic SEO

Shoot your product to the top of Page 1

Organic SEO is the single biggest lever a brand can pull to boost sales. We are the only influencer solution that optimizes search performance to ensure your products win the algorithm on E-Commerce sites like Amazon and, with results tracked right in our platform.

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Trusted by hundreds of the world’s top brands
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Take the uncertainty out of search

Earning a leading search spot is vital to a successful product launch, and we know exactly how to get you there. Our campaigns are proven to boost your product to the top of retailer search rankings. Certainty starts pre-launch, when our technology accurately predicts what SEO results we can achieve for your brand.

Win Page 1 and stay there

Online retailers love click-throughs from social media. Traffic from our expert influencers will catapult your product to Page 1 for competitive, high-return keywords, supercharging Share of Voice, sales and reviews. Boosted performance keeps your product in a top search slot long-term, maximizing ROI.

Easily access real-time results

ProductWind is the only influencer marketing solution that tracks your product search ranking on online retailers right in our platform. Check exactly where you rank for target keywords at any time, reference past progress and see how SEO has boosted your sales, all in our self-service dashboard.

Within the first month, ProductWind cut through the Amazon clutter and pushed our products to the top of Page 1 for the competitive ‘smart home’ keyword––and kept them there. It’s the single best launch tool I’ve found in 18 years selling products on Amazon.
Suzanne Oehler
Vice President Sales, Brilliant
Brilliant logo

91% of brands run a second campaign with us.
We bet you will too.

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