
ProductWind exists to help trusted brands win online

We believe everyone deserves access to the best products. However, the best products don’t always win online. We’re on a mission to change that.

We help brands create fast, predictable, stress-free product launches

Online retail has changed. Yesterday, the retail buyer was the decision maker. Today, the retail algorithm determines whether your product succeeds.

To win the retail algorithm, new products must build momentum and boost core metrics in days, not months. ProductWind trains the algorithm to love your product through large-scale turnkey influencer campaigns that ramp sales, SEO and reviews from Day 1.

Our leadership principles

Be a positive force

Good people make the journey worthwhile. ProductWinders share wins, empower one another and put out positive energy. We believe we will win and share this optimism with each other, especially when the going gets hard.

Do right by the customer

When we don’t know something, we go to the customer to find answers. When we learn something useful, it’s our responsibility to teach and help our customers. We always start from the customer and work backwards.

Exhibit ownership

Strong owners finish what they start. They ask good questions, meet deadlines and share updates proactively. They aren’t bottlenecks. They write things down and are awesome communicators.

Do something

ProductWinders dive into problems without asking permission. We take decisive tactical steps instead of pondering theoretical systems. We celebrate those who are proactive, not reactive.

Move the needle

ProductWinders prioritize ruthlessly and ask, “Will this move the needle?”. We dislike busy work, love picking low-hanging fruit and make big bets that have the potential to transform our business. We play to win.

Be right a lot

ProductWinders have a knack for making the right call, over and over. We seek out data and use it to make decisions. When we don’t have data, we practice empathy and trust our instincts. Great instincts are a superpower.

91% of brands run a second campaign with us.
We bet you will too.

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