Immediate Sales

Drive Day 1 sales, Best Seller Rank and new release badges

Instead of putting months of work into ramping up a product, our campaigns boost sales right from launch. Instant momentum for your listing wins the E-Commerce algorithm and earns you coveted retail badges.

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Trusted by hundreds of the world’s top brands
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Take the risk out of product launches

Not getting your launch right can impact everything from long-term listing performance to offline sales. ProductWind is your product launch insurance policy. We drive sales as soon as your product is in stock, leading to powerful jumps in Best Seller Rank (BSR). In fact, we’re so confident that we guarantee minimum sales performance for every campaign.

Ramp your product in days, not months

Typically, it can take 4 to 5 months to ramp sales on a new product. Our influencer campaigns move the sales needle starting Day 1. By quickly building external traffic, SEO and reviews, we drive tons of sales from early in the launch process, letting you reclaim months of revenue potential.

Earn retail badges that increase conversions

Early purchases unlock retailer product choice badges and new release badges, supercharging your conversion rate and ensuring lifetime listing health. Compared to products with no badge, products with an Amazon badge receive an average sales boost of 76% (Source: Datahawk).

The best way to scale new products on Amazon quickly … ProductWind facilitates strong reviews, influencer reach and content, and SEO ranking through a very simple process.
Kayla J.
Social Media Manager

91% of brands run a second campaign with us.
We bet you will too.

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