
See real progress in real time on your all-in-one dashboard

View all the metrics that matter in one place with our self-service campaign dashboard. Our platform’s intuitive set up lets you easily track both single KPIs and big picture goals in real time, so you can rest assured our campaigns are meeting and beating your targets.

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Trusted by hundreds of the world’s top brands
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Track listing health on our all-inclusive dashboard

We gather all your important analytics in one place so you can easily assess the impact of your campaign. Our dashboard doesn’t just track vanity metrics like impressions and clicks. We highlight everything from incremental reviews to creator feedback, and are the only influencer solution that monitors your online retailer search performance right in our platform.

Tap into enterprise-level control

Our easy-to-use dashboard offers the convenience of self-service with all the controls needed by enterprise businesses. Download social posts, review and edit User-Generated Content before it goes live and more. We offer 100% transparency, including your exact search ranking for target high-return keywords and current sales numbers for your product.

Get exact results in real time

Our technology updates social content and retailer data throughout your campaign, offering you up-to-date insight into your listing health. Our numbers are also guaranteed to be accurate–we have first-party social data from our creators and API access with online retailers, and measure actual sales with unique attribution links and promo codes.

The team at ProductWind jumped right into supporting our account with a helpful, collaborative attitude. They walked us through their interface and setup to execute on our campaigns, and it was plug and play. I'm extremely happy with the service and ROI on results.
ProductWind user
Computer & Network Security Industry

91% of brands run a second campaign with us.
We bet you will too.

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