Ramp new products in days, not months

ProductWind is the only retail influencer marketing platform that helps enterprise brands drive social content, SEO and reviews to ramp online retail sales faster.

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Trusted by hundreds of the world’s top brands
Panasonic logo
Scotts logo
Poly logo
Frida logo
Post consumer brands logo
Iwi logo
Vita Coco logo

Product launches are hard.

Oversaturated online marketplaces mean you’re competing with thousands of other products on e-retailers like Amazon, Walmart and Best Buy
CPCs continue to rise, providing less value for your ad spend
New products that don’t gain traffic, sales and reviews right away may never be seen by customers
To run a successful product launch, you need to win at SEO, conversions, reviews, social media and more–all at the same time
With ProductWind, we’ve slashed our E-Commerce launch time while generating incredible outcomes.
Michelle Esgar
Director of Marketing and Experience, Panasonic
Panasonic logo

Online retail has changed.

The retail buyer was the decision maker.
  • Winning relationships was the key to product placement
  • Online retail sales were separate from offline sales
  • Organic and paid optimization were isolated activities
  • More time to get your launch right
The retail algorithm is the decision maker.
  • Winning the algorithm is the key to product placement
  • Online retail sales determine offline sales
  • Organic and paid optimization are integrated activities
  • Less time to get your launch right

Train retailer algorithms to love your products faster with targeted influencer campaigns.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Get your product to the top of Page 1

Our creators drive traffic from social platforms back to the retailer to spin the product discovery flywheel. ProductWind is the only influencer marketing solution that helps you win organic and paid retail SEO placements.

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Ratings & Reviews

Get constructive feedback on new products quickly and at-scale

Build a library of authentic product feedback and reviews. Creators in your campaign love your brand and write thoughtfully about their product experience.

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Our Creator Network

Orchestrate hundreds of creators proven to drive retail sales

ProductWind assembles your perfect team of Instagram, TikTok and YouTube creators from our millions-strong community. We measure social and retail data points for each one of our creators.

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Social Content

Create on-brand social content that converts

Our Instagram boost and TikTok Spark Ad programs determine which content will earn outsized returns when featured in paid ads. Our creators specialize in story-first, video-first content.

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Campaign Management

ProductWind's managed service model drives results

Our white-glove solution takes the guesswork out of working with creators. You set the strategy and get full transparency. We manage sourcing, negotiation, payments, and results.

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Retail Badges

Drive immediate sales, Best Seller Rank and new release badges

Our campaigns drive sales as soon as you have inventory to make a great first impression on the retail algorithm. Our sales unlock product choice badges, new release badges and meaningful jumps in Best Seller Rank (BSR).

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Retail Media

Get more value from your retail media spend

ProductWind campaigns make your e-commerce ads 40% more effective. Our influencer campaigns train the retail algorithm to love your product, which means more top sponsored placements and powerful increases in advertising reach.

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See real progress in real time on your all-in-one dashboard

ProductWind gives you 100% campaign transparency at every step of the process. Easily track influencer posts, reviews and search ranking wins in the ProductWind dashboard.

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how it works

Connect with our team

Ready to get started? Schedule a demo with us and we’ll show you how ProductWind can help you achieve your goals.


Set your social strategy

We’ll create a social mood board, introduce you to your creators and kick off your campaign, all from the ProductWind dashboard.


Start your campaign

Our team will collaborate with approved influencers to create on-brand content that drives traffic and conversions for your product.


Launch in days, not months

We’ll provide ongoing support and optimization to ensure we meet and beat your campaign goals, keeping you updated every step of the way.

91% of brands run a second campaign with us.
We bet you will too.

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