Born to run Program: Launching A New Product On Amazon Explained

The Born to Run Program is a unique initiative by Amazon that aids sellers in launching new products on its platform. This program is designed to boost visibility and sales for new products, providing sellers with a platform to showcase their innovative offerings to a vast customer base.

Launching a new product on Amazon can be a daunting task, especially for new sellers. The Born to Run Program simplifies this process, providing sellers with the tools and support they need to successfully introduce their products to the market.

Understanding the Born to Run Program

The Born to Run Program is a 10-week program where Amazon purchases and promotes your new product. This program is designed to help sellers overcome the initial challenges of launching a new product, such as gaining visibility and generating sales.

By participating in the Born to Run Program, sellers can leverage Amazon's vast customer base and marketing capabilities to boost their product's visibility and sales. This can be particularly beneficial for sellers with innovative products that may otherwise struggle to gain traction in the competitive Amazon marketplace.

Eligibility for the Born to Run Program

To be eligible for the Born to Run Program, sellers must have a Professional Selling Plan and be in good standing with Amazon. Additionally, the product must be new and not previously sold on Amazon.

Amazon also considers other factors when determining eligibility, such as the product's potential for success and the seller's ability to meet demand. Therefore, it's important for sellers to have a solid business plan and sufficient inventory before applying for the program.

Applying for the Born to Run Program

Applying for the Born to Run Program involves submitting a product proposal to Amazon. This proposal should include detailed information about the product, including its features, benefits, and target audience. Sellers should also provide information about their business, such as their production capacity and marketing strategy.

Once the proposal is submitted, Amazon reviews it and decides whether to accept the product into the program. If accepted, Amazon purchases a quantity of the product and begins promoting it on its platform.

Launching a New Product on Amazon

Launching a new product on Amazon involves several steps, from product listing creation to marketing and promotion. The Born to Run Program simplifies this process, but sellers still need to understand the basics of product launching to maximize their success.

Creating an effective product listing is the first step in launching a new product. This involves writing a compelling product title and description, taking high-quality product photos, and optimizing the listing for search.

Product Listing Creation

Creating a product listing involves providing detailed information about the product, including its features, benefits, and specifications. The product title should be descriptive and include relevant keywords to improve search visibility.

The product description should highlight the product's unique selling points and convince customers of its value. High-quality product photos are also crucial, as they give customers a visual representation of the product.

Marketing and Promotion

Marketing and promotion are crucial for launching a new product on Amazon. This involves using various marketing strategies to increase product visibility and drive sales.

One effective strategy is using Amazon's advertising services, such as Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands. These services allow sellers to promote their products in search results and on product detail pages, increasing visibility and driving traffic to their listings.

Benefits of the Born to Run Program

The Born to Run Program offers several benefits for sellers launching new products on Amazon. One of the main benefits is increased product visibility, as Amazon promotes the product on its platform.

Another benefit is the potential for increased sales, as Amazon's promotion can help drive traffic to the product listing. Additionally, the program provides sellers with valuable data and insights, helping them understand their product's performance and make informed business decisions.

Increased Product Visibility

One of the main benefits of the Born to Run Program is increased product visibility. By promoting the product on its platform, Amazon helps the product reach a wider audience, increasing its chances of success.

This can be particularly beneficial for new products, which may struggle to gain visibility in the competitive Amazon marketplace. With Amazon's promotion, these products can gain the visibility they need to attract customers and generate sales.

Increased Sales

Another benefit of the Born to Run Program is the potential for increased sales. With Amazon's promotion, more customers are likely to discover the product, leading to increased traffic and sales.

Additionally, Amazon's purchase of the product provides an initial boost in sales, helping the product gain traction in the marketplace. This can be particularly beneficial for new products, which often face challenges in generating initial sales.

Challenges of Launching a New Product on Amazon

While the Born to Run Program simplifies the process of launching a new product on Amazon, sellers may still face challenges. These can include competition, customer reviews, and maintaining sales momentum.

Understanding these challenges can help sellers prepare and develop effective strategies to overcome them, maximizing their chances of success.


Competition is one of the main challenges of launching a new product on Amazon. With millions of products available, standing out can be difficult, especially for new products.

The Born to Run Program can help overcome this challenge by boosting product visibility. However, sellers still need to differentiate their products and convince customers of their value to succeed in the competitive Amazon marketplace.

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are crucial for success on Amazon, as they influence customer purchasing decisions and affect product ranking in search results. However, generating positive reviews can be challenging, especially for new products.

The Born to Run Program can help overcome this challenge by increasing product visibility and sales, which can lead to more reviews. However, sellers also need to ensure product quality and customer satisfaction to generate positive reviews.

Maintaining Sales Momentum

Maintaining sales momentum is another challenge of launching a new product on Amazon. After the initial boost in sales from the Born to Run Program, sellers need to maintain sales momentum to keep their product ranking high in search results.

This involves continuous marketing and promotion, as well as maintaining product quality and customer satisfaction. By doing so, sellers can keep their product visible and attractive to customers, maintaining sales momentum and ensuring long-term success.


The Born to Run Program is a valuable tool for sellers launching new products on Amazon. By boosting product visibility and sales, this program can help sellers overcome the initial challenges of product launching and maximize their chances of success.

However, sellers still need to understand the basics of product launching and be prepared to face challenges. By doing so, they can leverage the Born to Run Program to its full potential and achieve success in the competitive Amazon marketplace.

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