Health Supplements

Billion-dollar nutrition brand sees 20x return on ad spend (ROAS) increase

ProductWind helped a sustainability-first supplement provider get more value for its advertising dollar spent, all while raising search volumes and sales.

The Challenge

Nine months after its initial launch, a nutrition brand's unique new offering catering to pets was failing to climb product rankings and gain visibility on Amazon. Seeing its pay-per-click advertising costs rise, the company needed fresh content to increase discoverability, boost sales, and optimize ad spend.

The ProductWind Solution

Generate more traffic

In a matter of days, ProductWind used its influencer network to help the brand double its target volume for user-generated content. After reaching over 140K viewers on Instagram and TikTok, organic search volumes increased on Amazon by more than 5x.

Gain credibility

Amazon's algorithm positioned the product on page one for eight of the most relevant and competitive search terms. This translated to higher-than-average sales and a stream of new 5-star reviews over the month-long campaign.

Improve ad ROI

Enhanced SEO performance meant that Amazon required smaller bids for sponsored placements, resulting in more ad sales with less ad spend. The brand maintained a significantly lower advertising cost of sales (ACOS) during the campaign, reaching a low of 15%.

The Results

Reduction in ad spend
Increase in sales during the campaign
ACOS attained
Pet Supplement Brand

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The Challenge

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Start your company’s success story and be seen as the innovative launch expert you are. Book a demo with our team to learn how.

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