Health Supplements

Health supplement lifts ratings and reviews by 30% with ProductWind

ProductWind partnered with a growing nutrition supplement brand focused on plant-based products with uniquely sourced and ethically minded ingredients.

The Challenge

Despite innovative product development and unique environmentally friendly positioning, the signature product of an emerging health supplement brand was getting lost among thousands of competitors on Amazon. The listing needed high volumes of traffic and reviews to boost its SEO and ensure it was the first supplement consumers saw when ready to buy.

The ProductWind Solution

Target new audiences

ProductWind matched the brand to 100+ perfect-fit influencers on TikTok and Instagram. Posts reached millions of high-intent consumers, building social media presence and driving traffic to the product listing.

Achieve top SEO status

Amazon rewarded spikes in traffic and sales by shooting the product to a first or second place search spot for multiple high-volume keywords. Reviews from new buyers boosted product rating from 4.3 to 4.5 stars.

Drive organic sales

Sustained top search ranking and a library of high-star reviews combined to drive record product revenue. What's more, tracked Amazon links featured in influencer posts drove even more conversions.

The Results

Product became a best-seller as a result of the campaign
million potential buyers reached on social media
increase in the number of ratings & reviews during campaign
Health Supplement Brand

Start your company’s success story and be seen as the innovative launch expert you are. Book a demo with our team to learn how.

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The Challenge

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Start your company’s success story and be seen as the innovative launch expert you are. Book a demo with our team to learn how.

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